Saturday, November 12, 2005

Blogging in the media

I notice a lot about blogging in the press lately. CRN published an article on it. Of course I had advance information that one was coming.

Many publications picked up the recent survey released by Burson-Marsteller and PRWeek, conducted by Millward Brown including emarketer. Read the original business wire release .

I see IBM encourages their staff to blog in an article in CNN Money.

I am a marketer at heart. It fascinates me to see markets develop. I love trying to figure out what things become trends. I like trying to figure out how to capitalize on them. Sometimes I even like to think I can encourage them to happen. So the question is, will blogs become mainstream? What will the impact of blogs be?

Speaking of marketing, I have a couple a articles to write including one for Dave Daniels Carnival of Computing so should get to it.


  1. I just saw an article about them in Forbes - something like "Attack of the Blogs" - it talked about how people and companies have been getting attacked by some bloggers with accusations that were completely made up. It's a really interesting read.

  2. Nice use of Ten Tips in your article Jim.

    I would add, Be Brave. Blogs are the perfect platform to communicate alternative, non-mainstream points of view and question negative beliefs.

    Calendar Girl
