Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Blogging Policy

I am just in from California off the redeye. I have a fairly full day until 2:30 or so.

I am totally inspired. I have many ideas I need to do. I will need to energize the whole organization to accomplish what needs to be done.

SYNNEX is coming out with a blogging policy. I bought Simon, our in house attourney a copy of Robert Scoble and Shel Isreal's book Naked Conversations. And I will need to make sure I influence policy properly. Not sure my policy that everyone must have a blog though is what we will end up with.

I was in board meetings for the past couple of days. One board member who read my blog thought I must spend hours per week on it. No - I pride myself on 20 minutes of blogging 5 days a week (sounds like what everyone should do for exercise). A large part of "easy" blogging is just to write about what you are already thinking about and working on.

I have a ton of blogging time saving tips. One is to use something someone else has done like a quote.

So I leave you with this quote:

"Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation" by Robert H. Schuller.

Off to prepare for my day.


  1. Ah, Jim, you may only spend short time writing, but you possess a writer’s eye. You read, you observe, you are a critical thinker, and most importantly you have original thoughts. Many people don’t.

    BTW I love Microsoft MVP bogs. Any tech worth their salt is passionate about their flavor of IT technology and has personal insights to share.

  2. Jim,
    Thanks for the purchase of another copy of our book. In fact, as I recall it, Naked Conversations advocated that all employees be allowed to blog. Not all employees will. In fact, usually the most passionate employees are the ones who pick it up. Others may start, but usually soon abandon it. But what all employees like is a company that says they are trusted enough to blog about their jobs, even if they never do it once.
