Thursday, September 7, 2006


I read a book by Mary LoVerde called, "Touching Tomorrow". It is not really as much of a book to read as a project to do. The thesis is that you should do a video or an audio (interview) with your parents or grandparents while they are still around. Get them to tell their story.

I know my sister-in-law did a very high impact version similar to this. It was not having my parents speak; rather it was having other people talk about my parents. This was given to my parents as a Christmas gift.

It sounds like a great project - I wish I had more time. Maybe I should read my eBook or listen to my CD.

It ties in nicely to a book that my mother loaned me called, "Storycatcher" by Christina Baldwin. The thesis of Storycatcher is that everyone has a story inside them and it is good to tell it.

My Mother is a storyteller and she tells stories at schools and libraries, etc. She has also been a reading inspiration for me. From the time that I was little, she would read bedtime stories and I think this is partly what inspired my current reading.

One of the quotes from the book is, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands in times of challenge and controversary" by Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. You are a reading inspiration for me! What comes around goes around. Thanks Jim.

  2. I guess it is easy to be inspired in a moment, the question is how to keep it?

  3. I can see how reading can impact your life so much, it gives your imagination more and you're more knowlegable about different situations around you. My dad used to lay in bed with me at night and tell stories about him when he was little, and I think he should write a book about them! They're great stories to listen to, and I will never forget them.
    Thanks for the great post Mr.Estill.
