Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What we give

I have not been blogging much lately. I find it interesting that my readership has not dropped off much despite of that. Thinking less blogging coincides with many people taking vacations so the 2 go hand in hand.

I attended a fund raiser for the Guelph General hospital last week at the home of Frank and Margaret Hasenfratz from Linamar. Frank gave a short speech and used the following quotation, "We make a living by what we get; we make life by what we give" (Sir Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965).

A good quotation and good words to live by.


  1. Great Quote. Words to live by.

  2. Good words, indeed. The challenge is to turn them into action. My parents taught me to give away time, talent and treasure. I think it's important to give money, but it's also important to give bits of time (the non-renewable resource) and the best of yourself.

  3. Would love to read your thoughts on:

    I have read numerous books / blogs on leadership, but this amazing clip had been the most inspirational …
