Thursday, November 1, 2007

The power of How

We had a great sales retreat this past weekend at Blue Mountain. As Mitchell Martin, our President said, “We have a great team of people; it is one of our competitive advantages.”

In my closing address, I talked about asking the right question. Often when people are asked about something simple like sales, they give the reason why sales are what they are. I encourage people to ask the “How” question. The How question is much more powerful.

We had a hypnotist at the sales retreat. Originally we planned an outdoor event but due to the rain, wind, and cold, we had to change venue at the last minute so we called in a hypnotist that we used a few years ago.

The hypnotist was excellent and the previous time that I saw him, I almost cried from laughing so hard. This time I still laughed and found him funny.

The hypnotist really drove home the power of the sub-conscious mind. If you ask yourself why you can’t do something, your mind will come up with reasons or excuses. If you ask yourself HOW you can do something, your sub-conscious mind will also answer that question.

Focus on the HOW.

For all of those people who are asking about Kaitlan, she is well on the road to recovery. She is now home and back in school and too busy to call her Uncle Jim.


  1. Great News on Kaitlin Jim.

    the How question definitely is a good one. When one asks the five W, questions in addition in a sales situation, it seems to be all that much more powerful, just recently discovered this in the last 4 months. Who - makes the decision, What is the motivator, Where - is the deal being closed, When - is the deadline to the client ( i.e. is ther one or not. ) Why - choose us. vs. competition.

    Thanks for the refresher on the How. makes sense.

  2. Great news about Kaitlin! Another determined Estill

  3. I have a different take on the "How" question, courtesy Anthony Robbins. Sometimes if you ask how, you may not know how, get discouraged and not pursue it. Or, there may be many hows but not all of them will work. But if you ask the "Why" question, as in why do I want to do this, what is my motivation, and get that clear in your mind, you will figure out the how. As long as the why is strong enough, you may go through many attempts at how to get it done. It takes a strong why, to get the how.
