Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Resolutions

I am sore from 3 1/2 hours of cross country skiing. Not just my legs (mostly the front of my thighs) but my triceps. I prefer to muscle up hills rather than herring bone. Not sure if that is just lazy or what.

This is resolution time for many. I prefer to just use New Years as one more excuse. I actually like setting resolutions.

The tough part for me is coming up with the larger goals first. Once I have that, the subgoals (resolutions) come quickly into focus. The most important part is knowing where you want to be. Once you know that, everything flows.

I tend to have more subgoals than I can possibly do so part of good discipline is to choose just the top 4 or 5. I keep the others but they are just in the "not now" bucket.

Resolutions for me mostly revolve around success habits. I find results come easily if I have the right habits. We are a product of what we do repeatedly. We are going to have habits - might as well make them good ones.

Happy New Years to all.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the key to keeping resolutions/goals is "discipline". One can set as many goals as they want, but if they're not disciplined it may be more difficult to succeed.
