Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Success Habits - The Book

We are the product of what we repeatedly do - Aristotle.

I am writing a book about Success Habits. The format of the book would be to have the success habit with details on exactly what it is and variations on it. I would follow this by a short profile of someone who successfully uses the habit.

It has in intro chapter on why habits work and one on how to create habits.

I am asking for your input - either by commenting or emailing me at jimestill at gmail with some of your success habits and how they have helped you. If you are commenting and want credit, include your name and email address please.

And to get your creative juices flowing, some of my success habits include:

1 - Do the worst thing first thing. This technique is great for solving procrastination.

2 - I talk to myself or I have mantras. Things I repeat often. Some of mine are:

Successful people do tough things (When I am baulking at doing something)
What is the best use of my time right now (from Alan Lakein to keep me on the right task)
What the heck - go for it anyways (used whenever I have cold feet)
What would I like to have accomplished by the time I go to bed
Back to work (used to help me regain focus)

4 - I do not go to bed without learning one new thing

5 - I read 2-3 books per week minimum.

6 - I keep a great contact list and I try to reach out to as many as I can (even passively like this blog)

7 - I do not watch TV


So get me your success habits and comments please.


  1. 1.I track the goal till it is accomplished.
    2.I always set high expectations than what need to be achieved.

  2. Make sure to get regular exercise. This helps me focus and balance life's opportunities. I also find that it is a good time to sort through a particular challenge outside of the office.

  3. I write a to do list and stick with it. I used to focus too much on efficiently planning out my day, but I'm very ADD and find myself off task often.

    To combat that, I've started focusing on finishing one task at a time, then moving to the next. It might not be as "efficient", but at least I finish things ;-)

  4. Continually expand your creative inputs. For most of us, creativity is our greatest asset. There are many ways to expand your thinking. For example, take a class on a topic that isn't related to your day to day work. Recently, I've taken classes on rock climbing, watercolor, and drawing. Another good example is setting up a reading club with friends. Or join someone in an activity they are good at and you don't know much about. This idea isn't limited to mental activities--novelty is the point.

  5. Great challenge, Jim. Here are some habits that have worked for me.

    A little planning is good for results. I need about 10 minutes at the end of the day to review my work for the day and pick my "most important thing" for the next day.

    I've had clients who do that hard thing first and others who've started their day with a sure win. Both seem to work, but for different people. My first thing is that most important thing from the night before. I do that before email or anything else.

    When my Most Important Thing is done for the day, I check email and then pick what needs to be done during the rest of the day. Then I work the list.

    I use Recurring Events lists to make sure the things that need to be done every day, week, month, quarter, etc get done.

    I love checklists and use them to make sure that the business laundry gets done.

    My goal is to have just enough structure to concentrate my efforts, but not so much that maintaining the structure takes work.

  6. I am reading Richard Bransons book -in there it amazes me each time I hear him reflect on things he'd been through early in his career that I find myself doing as a new entrepeneur- my one shared trait with Richard is the notebook of ideas -I carry one in my vehicle with me - thoughts- dreams -plans -ect ect - and as well Jims comments of "What should I be doing with my time right now" "Successful people do tough things" ( I recite this to myself each Weds as I rise extra extra early to be on time for BNI) & What the heck -( Like my $2000.00 / month local Radio adverts for my small bizz - this budget is a lot for me but I want to set myself apart) Here are a few more from me -
    - Get a Business COACH
    - Surround yourself with people smarter than you are
    - Get involved in your community service club)(s)
    - listen to books on CD in the CAR
    -make & stick to a 90 day plan
    - plan plan -
