Sunday, July 18, 2010

Beth Estill and Chris Mitchell Wedding

My daughter Beth was married yesterday to Chris Mitchell.

The day went perfectly.

Perfect couple Chris and Beth.

Other Photos - Beth and her brother David, Beth and her sister Laura and Beth and I.

In my toast I quoted Benjamin Isreali (British Prime Minister in the 1800s) who said "we create our own circumstances" so now it is time for Chris and Beth to go create their own circumstances...

And if it is a boy, they can call it Jim


  1. Beautiful pictures. I had a hard time knowing which one was Chris and which one was David - until i compared with you, David clearly looks like you! And you look great in a Tux too! The big question is - which wedding did you have more fun at? yours or your daughter's?

  2. So soon we'll be able to call you "Grandpa Jim"?

  3. Congratulations Jim on Beth's and Chris wedding. It is a great family event, very joyful and bright. I wish them fairytale life together and wish you to enjoy a next step of being a father of married daughter!

  4. Congratulations. I wish Beth and Chris all the best things in life.
