Monday, May 9, 2011

Bare Knuckle People Management

I get behind in my reading so in the past have tried to do 10 books in 10 days. I can do the reading but adding the reviewing is difficult. So for day 3...

I read Bare Knuckle People Management - Creating Success with the Team your Have - Winners, Losers, Misfits and All by Sean O'Neil and John Kulisek.

I had a negative reaction to the title. I tend to be more of a people person and more of a "look for the good in people" person. That management style has served me well.

But I liked the book. Seems I like most books (or as a point of time management, I don't bother reading them (the first rule of speed reading is don't bother reading something that is not worth reading) and certainly don't review them).

Part 1 talks about the "people principles". Things like "team wide rules suck" and "apologize well then move on".

Part 2 talks about the different types of players on the team. People like "Steady Eddie", "The Doer", "Needy Ned" etc. Each person in your team will have some characteristics of each type. He also talks about how to deal with each type.

Part 3 talks about the team - putting it all together.

What I have learned about teams is there needs to be a balance of players. People who love numbers and those who love people. The challenge is to help people value the other players. People tend to value people like themselves so number people think other number people are great and people people just waste time. True wisdom is recognizing the value and need for all.

And a great team combines the right mix of all.

There is a good chapter near the end on "the first 30 days as a manager". I am a big advocate of having a plan. I like 90 day plans but what is presented as the first 30 days is good.

This is a great book for first time managers. And a good book for all managers and leaders.

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