Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just Do It

I experienced my first Fourth of July in the US (think I was traveling last year). Complete with unbelievable fireworks and dinner with friends.

My time trick for today is stolen from Nike. "Just Do It".

"Just Do It" helps me get things done and off my plate.

Questions I ask to spur me to action:

1 - Would I like to have done this by the time I go to bed tonight?

2 - How will I feel when it is complete?

3 - Does not doing it add to my stress?

4 - Why am I avoiding doing it? (often this prompts me to devise ways to make it easier)

5 - Will it get better if I do not do it? Or will it be easier if I leave it longer? If the answer is yes, then I should likely drop it from my list. If the answer is no, then I should "Just Do It"

So off to Just Do It.


  1. The thoughtful post about the demise of traditional leadership has really got be thinking. I remember back then when I read a blog of Hammad Siddiqui,


    in which he spoke about the key characteristics of a leader, it created a similar enlightening moment for me

  2. I like this. I've been doing this for a couple of years now. It's a mantra I repeat in my head when I realize that I'm creating excuses not to do things. For instance, when I'm not motivated to go for a run, I "convince" myself to just do it. Same goes for a potentially unpleasant conversation at work that I had been trying to avoid by creating excuses. I think I've improved my ability to reduce the delays in getting what I think may be unpleasant done. Things don't seem to be as awful as my wild imagination makes them out to be.

  3. Excellent points, I always ask these questions myself. Especially 'do I want this done before I go to bed?' This is most beneficial, the idea that if I do it before I go to bed, I won't have to worry about it or do it in the morning.
    We are lucky to have day and night!
