Monday, September 19, 2011

The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan

One of my friends is taking on a new leadership position so my instant thought was what would be the best book for him to read. So when "The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan - How to Take Charge, Build Your team, and Get Immediate Results" came to mind.

I have long been an advocate of 90 day plans. Or really 3 month plans. 100-day is the same thing. 90 days is long enough to accomplish something but short enough to be urgent enough.

This concept is discussed in the book "You're in Charge - Now what".

I liked the table of contents. It describes each chapter well. One principle of speed reading is pre-reading and in this case, the table of contents makes a good pre-read.

I find one of the most important things for a new leader is early wins. It creates the momentum that makes others wins easier. It also helps reputation early and reputation helps future wins. I always suggest that new leaders plan no holidays for the first 90 days and that they plan on having high presence - so arrive early and leave late. Part of that speaks to good advance planning so the personal situation/living etc is all in place.

I liked to propensity for action advocated by the book - complete with lists and charts to assisting in developing the action plans.

Clearly The New Leaders 100-Day Plan is becoming a classic. The Third Edition is coming out on Oct 10th.

This is a great book that any new leader needs to read.

Unrelated, there is a post on Hiring a Good Leader that quoted me. Seems to me that hiring right is the first and most important step.


  1. Jim - Thank you for the nice words about The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan. With every edition we try to make it even more action oriented and results focused so new leaders can make the absolute best use of their own and their team's time. Given that, it's not a surprise that it struck some positive chords with you.

    George Bradt - PrimeGenesis Executive Onboarding

  2. It's a great and interesting book. Thank you for your review.
