Monday, March 12, 2012

Take the Stairs

Take the Stairs - 7 Steps to Achieving True Success is book by Rory Vaden.

I agree wholeheartedly with his point of view. Don't just take the easy way - take the way that has the best results long term. As the title suggests - take the stairs rather then the escalator or elevator (a habit I do 80% of the time if it is less then 4 flights (and often the other is because I do not know where the stairs are))

His seven steps:

1 - Sacrifice. I do not like the wording since it seems like a punishment. The gist of it is - do tough things now for the success it yields in the long term. Like one of my success mantras "Successful people do tough things".

2 - Commitment. It is our decision what we commit to. The greater the commitment, the great the chance of success.

3 - Focus. He really nailed this one. This is an area that I personally am not good at. I tend to want it all so focus on everything (and I don't think that is what he means by good focus)

4 - Integrity. Speaks for itself.

5 - Schedule. Create a schedule that meets all your needs. To some extent this also touches on success habits.

6 - Faith - Put faith into enjoyable results, not enjoyable processes. (goes a bit against the zen I try for which is enjoying the process. Although in the end, I would not be happy without the results)

7 - Action. You are much more likely to act your way into healthy thinking than think yourself into healthy action. In the end, it is the actions - not the thoughts that make things happen.

I loved the chapter on procrastination. Some quotes:

"When we have diluted focus, we get diluted results"
"In the absense of disciplined focus, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia."
"We don't pay attention to things we don't first give our intention to."

I am up early today because my sleep got thrown off yesterday. No - not the time change - Elizabeth and I voluntarily went fishing. Boat left at 4 which was really 3 with the time change so I was up at 2. On the ocean for 13 hours. And we have enough fish for the month. 5 dogfish (small sharks), one ling and one 20 pound pollack.

I dried a bit - fish jerky, one of life's healthy pleasures.

So is this sort of like taking the stairs? I could just buy fish like everyone else. Saves me to fishing, they cutting, the freezing etc.

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