Monday, April 23, 2012

Just Some Stuff

Josh (my grandson) continues to thrive (need to start with the truly important stuff first)
Great press for one of the Canrock investee companies HonestlyNow in Blogher.


Canrock was awarded a $4.5M funding from NY state to invest in start up businesses.   Now begins the work of finding (actually, that part is fairly easy), nurturing and helping them grow.


While other people might think the weather is bad here (it is raining), the gardens desperately needed the rain.  A friend knows I am an avid gardener (despite bad allergies and needing to be careful to prevent back injury) so asked "what grows well here".  Of course my answer is "weeds".

I made another small garden this weekend.  Moved lots of dirt.  And have most things planted (radish, peas, spinach, beans, parsnips, beets, lettuce, pumpkin, squash).  Now will have to see if I jumped the gun and planted too early or if I am a genius and can actually get 2 crops and lots of early vegetables.


Canrock made a new investment in Soletron (more later on that)


AboutOne launched their new version.

1 comment:

  1. Acceptable risk - worst case scenario is you lose your first crop - your cost is time and seeds. You will still get your second crop. The risk is low and you have not bet the "farm". Congratulations on the 4.5m!
