Monday, July 2, 2012

Haida Gwaii Fishing

I am just back from a week fishing in Northern British Columbia.  I love the beauty of the wilderness (and it is wilderness - like 30 minute helicopter ride into a camp from the small town of Masset which is already a 2 hour flight north of Vancouver).  I lead a charmed life to be able to do this.

Fishing was not as good as previous years but I still will have enough to eat for the year.  150 lbs of salmon (I catch fish in pounds instead of KG but I run in kilometers), 70 lbs of halibut and 25 lbs combined of sole, rock cod and yellow eye.

Most of the time it was rainy and cool (like not quite snowing but you did need to wear a full mustang suit with a hat and gloves cool).  Sitting on the boat in the rain, I was loving it and remembering there is no such thing as bad weather - just improper clothing.

It is light for more than 19 hours each day up there so breakfast at 5:30, out on the water at 6, second breakfast on the water at 10, lunch back at the lodge at 1, snacks on the water then back to the lodge about 7:30 for dinner.  Bottomline - lots of eating and not any exercise to speak of.  And the food included too many "bad for you things".  So now I need to kick into workout/proper eating gear.

It reminds me of a technique I use to remind myself to eat right.  I have a trigger.  When I feel sore muscles, it reminds me to eat moderately.  So I deliberately work different muscle groups so I can have constant reminders.  I can easily work my muscles to soreness with pushups (50 does it), tricep dips, lunges or squats.  I can do it on ab exercises but not as easily.  And I like "good" sore muscles.

Fishing gives me time to reflect.  I wrote a post on the power of reflective thinking after another fishing trip.


Proud Father note.

My son David of Estill Energy was elected to the Guelph Chamber of Commerce.

And coming back from fishing, I notice how fast I am and how fast the world is.  I thought this infographic was interesting:

Instant America
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