Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Strategic Intuition

There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal on energy/creativity cycles and what time of day is best to do things.  This is one of the things I suggest in time management.  I even have a column on my time tracker sheets to log energy level.  Anyways - good article - worth reading.


One of my investments is in Telehop - a reduced rate long distance carrier.   Of course being a frugal guy, a company that sells at reduced rate seems logical to me.

They just introduced reduce long distance for cell phones.  This could be a huge opportunity.  Cell calls are still a place where long distance costs are high.  Good article on the service in Canadian Immigrant Magazine.

I read a book by William Duggan "Strategic Intuition - the Creative Spark in Human Achievement".

I have long been an intuitive person.  At the same time, I have suppressed this.  My engineering education also helped me to suppress it.  And over time and work, I became more logical than intuitive.

Now, I am trying to get back to using my intuition more.

I loved that the book essentially said "it is not only OK to be intuitive, it is good".  It cites many great people like Aristotle and Einstein who used intuitive flashes to further their work.  And from what I have done and studies, I realize those "flashes" come from reading, studying and thought about something followed by leaving it.  And sleeping or exercising after a period of concentration on a topic tends to lock it in.  This is why the precious hour before sleep is critical to use well.

The book, Strategic Intuition puts process into intuition.   It cites many scientific studies.

I liked the research about how people decide.  They actually tend to choose from a very limited selection of directions.   In crisis particularly, people do not run through lots of alternatives.  This is why crisis training for EMS, marines etc pounds in the one best rather than lots of alternatives.

I was also interested to read that the left brain/right brain theory that Sperry won the noble prize for in 1980 was overturned in 2000 (shows you how current I am).  I enjoy books on the brain.

Good book.  Interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Have you read any of the literature on behavioral economics -- most notably works by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky?

    Essentially this school of though challenges the assumption that people are "rational" decision makers. One of my favorite concepts is the focusing illusion: people overweight certain elements that don't have a huge impact overall. For example, you might buy a stereo just because it is pink even though the machinery itself is terrible. Presumably, the sound the stereo produces is the most important part...



    "Taking a warm morning shower can jump-start the process."


    "And posts to Facebook FB +0.18% at about 8 p.m. tend to get the most "likes," after people get home from work or finish dinner.

