Monday, August 22, 2005

Survey Says...

Long tough day. It started with not feeling too motivated at the gym at 6 (probably because I stayed up too late last night) but I did do 45 minutes of cardio and a few weights. Then meetings, email and calls most of the day. Finally home for dinner at shortly after 9 and by the time that was done and a short cycle (trying to get used to my new bike) and a bit of reading, the evening went by too fast.

I got the results of the staff survey back today. We have our challenges. Half the staff are happy and think we are improving and half do not. This to me is a failing grade. I particularly pay attention to the comments.

What I was encouraged by is that I know how to fix most of the problems (not that it will be easy). We need stability. People fear for their jobs and income level. People are stressed by the changes. Adaptability does not come easily to people. People feel overworked and under trained.

Most importantly, we need to treat our people decently.

These are all things that I know how to do. I have challenges now that I have many bosses. If I am to be a proper CEO though, I need to figure out how to do the right things. Like I always say “Successful people do tough things”. I will fight hard to make SYNNEX a good place to work.


  1. Hi Jim,

    I like you thoughts of "treating people decently". Moreover, i think we need to rebuild or reexam our Corporate Culture to make Synnex Canada a good place to work and retain talented people. SYNNEXCELLENCE seems to be a good start.

    By the way, thank you for the Time leadership CD.

  2. Sounds like you have a great head on your shoulders and take to heart feedback, which not many folks in power do. Best of luck to you.
