Saturday, March 18, 2006

Productivity and Downtime

My daughter Laura published an online paper. I told her it was off topic and that I could not find the efficiency tips she was trying to get across. Still, I am proud of her.

I find as Laura gets older she is not as obedient. I forbid her to turn 24 but she is likely to disobey. Children these days...

I met recently with one of my friends, Bryan Kerdman, a highly successful entrepreneur who sold his business and is now a venture capitalist (Edgestone Capital). He challenged me to think about my productivity. We talked about work hours and work ethic and discussed the differences between hours and output. Of course I study how to be more efficient all the time. I am also a great believer in needing a bit of down time to recharge. I do admit, I tend to minimize the downtime though. Thinking...

1 comment:

  1. As a computer guy, you should be happy that our classes teach us things like computer literacy and compile online projects like Dr. Percy's encyclopedia. More and more we discuss online texts and different media as we study. We just haven't gotten into sales (as Mark would like).
