Saturday, November 18, 2006

SYNNEX Party and 10 Steps to Healthy Eating.

Tonight was the SYNNEX Guelph Holiday party. Seems a bit early but booking halls is tough near Christmas. It was a great event. Well attended. Great venue, great food. Lively crowd. I enjoyed myself and so did most who attended so it was a success.

One of my interests is health so I often read books about health. One book I just read is called "10 Steps to Healthy Eating" by Leslie Beck. I enjoyed it (but I am a health guy so like stuff like this). It reinforces everything I already know and what my mother always said.

I liked the sections on how much protein, etc I should eat.

The book reinforces the need for exercise. It also has a lot of recipes but since I do not eat red meat and don't even eat chicken at home, many were not for me.

I eat well at home but I only eat at home a few times per week so my challenge is healthy eating on the road.

I am not big on supplements so I liked that she did not push that too much. I prefer food to pills.

Her steps (but you have to read the book to get the real sense of them all).

1 - get ready
2 - eat enough protein (I likely am deficient here)
3 - Choose the right carbohydrate
4 - eat more fruits and vegetables
5 - choose healthier fats and oils
6 - boost vitamins and minerals.
7 - eat more often
8 - Don't forget about fluids
9 - Control your weight
10 - Be active every day

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