Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blogger Guilt

Bloggers feel guilt when they do not blog. Guilt is good if it prompts positive action. Bad if it causes unneccessary stress. So I let it go and just blog fast tonight.

Kaitlin is doing much better. Will be a long recovery though.

Great quote in the Globe in an article on marathoning:

"Dedication and committment are what transfer dreams into reality."


"Only those who risk going too farcan possibly find out how far they can go."

The same page had a piece that fit people sweat more and sooner than unfit people. This muggy hot weather is sure bad for that. Perhaps I sweat the little things (like not blogging) too much.

All for now.


  1. I've been thinking of you and your family... I'm glad to hear that Kaitlynn is doing well!

  2. Jim-

    Holding healing thoughts for your niece.

    In my view guilt is merely the way someone maintains the illusion/fantasy that he or she is not the kind of person who would do what he or she just did. Guilt, I believe, is the most convenient mechanism for avoiding self-honesty and real change.


  3. Hi Jim
    I used to visit your blog almost everyday.
    I found it valuable and insightful.
    I'm sorry to say with the low frequency of posts its rare for me to check back anymore. In the past you mentioned about how your blog stats were good. My guess is that its people checking in every day only to find no content. You might check the stats for retension times as I bet they are low.
    Anyhow - I know you are a very busy man. Hope you get your frequency back

  4. hey jim as a employe of urs at synnex i just wantted to say my prayers and best wishes are to u and the family i hope everything gets well soon...
