Thursday, September 6, 2007

My blog formula is 90% business with a focus on efficiency and 10% personal.

Tonight, I violate this formula and only blog personal.

Last night my beautiful 16 year old niece Kaitlin Estill was involved in a very serious car accident. This quickly changes thought and focus. She has a broken pelvis, collar bone, collapsed lung, ripped aorta, lacerated liver and fractured skull. Heart surgery allegedly went well tonight although she has a brain hemorrhage while in surgery or while coming out. No other update.

It has dominated my thoughts since it happened. It dwarfs business challenge.

I feel so helpless and powerless. I guess this is where thoughts and prayers come in. It make one feel like they are doing something.

My brother Lyle (the Bio -Diesel mogul) is an active blogger. He is an excellent writer and has posts on how she is doing.


  1. Jim Stechyson, OttawaSeptember 7, 2007 at 6:26 AM

    Jim- this is very sad news. My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Estill family for a full and quick recovery for Kaitlin.

  2. Jim, just want you and your family to know that my family and church (First Evangelical Free in Ames) are praying for Kaitlyn. My son Eli has known Kaitlyn since kindergarten at Northwood. I remember him telling me about this pretty girl named Kaitlyn. I thinks her fair skin and blonde hair was what really caught the eye of my dark eyed and dark skinned son. His youth group started praying for Kaitlyn and the others within minutes of the accident, as the carload full behind your niece was sending textmessages etc. May God provided comfort and strength for your family, wisdom for the Dr.'s and peace, comfort & safety for Kaitlyn. The Gildermaster Family

  3. Jim, My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I know a little something about the power of prayer, so please trust that Kaitlin is in good hands. Please keep us updated as to her recovery.

  4. Kaitlyn is in my prayers. I pray for a speedy and full recovery, a miracle of wondrous power and joy.

  5. Praying and passing it on.
