Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jim Estill Resigns From SYNNEX

I guess that says it all. I have resigned SYNNEX Canada to pursue new challenges.

I will miss the people I work with. They are a great group of people. I will miss the customers and the vendors. I still believe in SYNNEX. SYNNEX is a great company. I still own shares so buy lots from them.

I learned a lot while at SYNNEX. I was fortunate enough to see SYNNEX grow and fourish during my time.

I am sad, excited, nervous, and expectant all at the same time.

I have been doing the same thing for 30 years. It is time for a change.


  1. Congratulations on those 30 years! I'm sure the next chapter will bring some exciting new challenges, wherever it may be.

  2. Hi Jim,
    That's a surprise. But I suppose it's time for a change after 30 years. Even stable guys like you need to try other things. Good luck with whatever you choose and keep blogging.

  3. Hey Jim, Congrats on 300 successful years. I was glad i was hired by you and good luck for the years to come. i want to say thanks and I reapplied to Synnex. At the time I couldn't meet the hours but now i can.
    Aaron Panio

  4. Success in the future, Jim!

  5. For some reason it does not surprise me. The thought has crossed my mind that you could be happier doing something else from the times I have come to see you.

    All the best and I look forward to connecting again...I hope you are not going to move far away.


  6. Jim. Best wishes as you take another great step in this incredible success story you have been living for 30 years. You are, and I am sure you will continue to be, a great example to many of us who have had the pleasure of dealing with you and learning from you. Look forward to seeing how it all unfolds . . . yvan

  7. Jim,

    Congratulations on the outstanding results that you produced during your 30 years with EMJ and Synnex!! Your replacement will have huge shoes to fill but at the same time benefit from the legacy of your tremendous leadership.

    Good luck with your next adventure...I look forward to reading the next chapter!!

    Jim S - Ottawa

  8. wow! now there is a surprise.

    Lots of changes in your life of late.... Hoping you'll find renewed joy and meaning in yours going forward.

    Jim. guess you know you've made a big difference in many others' lives -- mine included. And that was with only one statement! A simple observation that you didn't much care for negatively, rather than positively framed survey questions.

    Hope you'll keep on blogging. Have come to depend on it!

    Best, as ever,

  9. Jim,

    From one runner to another:

    I have no doubt that when one door closes, many new doors will open for you! Let us all know when you land into your next opportunity.

  10. Jim,

    I have enjoyed reconnecting with you recently and via your blog. I wish you the very best in your next endeavors!
    Kindest regards,
    Skip Mangum

  11. Jim,
    Congrats & Best Wishes! I've enjoyed interacting with you and love the way your brain works!
    Lisa Robb

  12. Congratulations on all your success at Synnex and good luck with whatever you choose to do in the future.

  13. Congrats on the last 30 and good luck on the next.


  14. Hi, Jim!
    I was deeply saddened after I heard that you were leaving Synnex. I wanted to give you my best wishes personally yesterday (March 26), but you were talking to another person and decided to leave you alone. (I was brought up to believe that interupting others during a conversation is rude and disruptive.) Thanks for giving me and so many other people a chance, and I wish the best for you in the future. Good bye, and I hope we'll meet again. You were, and are, one in a million!

  15. I don't know you very well although I work in SYNNEX, but from all of the comments, I'm sure you're a good leader and a great person. Good luck to you!

  16. Jim
    My Dad sent me the news article as a point of interest. To say you have affected so many people is an understatement. I as a former employee of 13 years but not one for 10 find I still quote Estill business and time management ideas and teachingsI'll watch the blog.
    Dave F (Vancouver)

  17. Jim...I just learned of your departure from Synnex. I have positively no doubt even greater opportunities will come your way.
    We Estill's are go-getters, maintain a positive attitude during good times and bad and
    welcome new challenges. I see you've gained a number of friends throughout your years at Synnex. Many more await you in your new endeavours! This will be a new and positive beginning!
