Sunday, March 15, 2009

The 5 o'clock Club - Sleep and Time Management

I was listening to an interview Raymond Aaron did with Robin Sharma. Sharma (author of "The Monk who Sold His Ferrari") spoke about the 5 o'clock club and how those who were members tended to be successful people.

The 5 o'clock club are people who get up at 5 every morning.

Sharma suggests taking a full hour for meditation, planning and doing stuff just for yourself each morning. He is also an advocate of health and even suggests that everyone should get a personal trainer.

I tend to like to work out first thing. I figure it is more efficient since I am not yet dressed or showered so it means I only have to do that once.

I love the results I can have done by 8 or 9 in the morning when I get up at 5. It is a great way to start the day.

The challenge of course is balancing that with an appropriate amount of sleep. When I was younger, I thought sleep was for wimps. Increasingly I read how sleep is important. Recent research suggests a link between sleep and diabetes. And research suggests a link with sleep and longevity.

After reading on sleep, I figure 6 or 6 1/2 hours is appropriate for me. I know I can easily sleep less if I am inspired by what I have to do. So sleep is linked with inspiration.

I studied Polyphasic Sleep for a while. The useful thing I learned from that was how to revitalize myself with a 21 minute nap.

So - love the idea of the 5 o'clock club but the sleep requires planning.


  1. I think there is something to be said about members of the 5 o' clock club. It takes some serious will power for me to get up at 8, much less 3 hours earlier. Maybe it's worth a shot though...

  2. Early to bed and early to rise ...

    Nice post, with good reasons for starting the day early. I find an early start (somewhere between 5am and 6am), when I take time for me, sets up the day perfectly.

    There's a also a link between sleep and IQ to think about: every hour less than 8 costs 1 point. This is cumulative, until we catch up on the missing sleep. Unfortunately, the research didn't cover the effect of napping during the day.
