Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goal Setting and New Year's Resolutions

I love New Year's, because I love setting New Year's Resolutions. I credit much of my success in life to setting goals and New Year's Resolutions are really not much more than setting goals.

For me, they fall into two categories.

1. Some resolutions would be habits that I want to develop (or stop). I'm a big believer that much of success has to do with us being the habits of what we repeatedly do.

2. Some of my resolutions are actual goals or things that I want to accomplish.

I have long practiced goal setting using my goal setting exercise 60 Minutes to Clear Goals.

This year will be no different - I will set goals. I will review how I did compared to what I thought last year. I will try to learn and refine my systems.

Have a great New Year.


  1. Great suggestion as time will slip away, but we should remember who helped us take control of time as I found at

  2. This is a great post. I really like the unique ideas in creating goals by Douglas Vermeeren. He is the author of the new Guerrilla book book with Jay Levinson, Guerrilla Achiever. Our school received an advance copy. I think it is probably one of the best books for achievement and goal setting. The book is really unique in tools and lessons that are shared for achievement. I think it is probably the best book written on achievement and some of the lessons in the book I have never heard or seen elsewhere. Whereas other materials are full of hyped up promises about doing the impossible. This book delivers. It really gives a new fresh look on achievement. I highly recommend it to all and it is useful for people of all age

  3. I am a big fan of the Guerrilla marketing series by Jay Levinson and I just recently picked up the newest Guerrilla Book, Guerrilla Achiever. I was so impressed. I think it is the best Guerrilla book yet. It has so many unique and practical strategies for goal setting and creating success. I think it is the best book I have ever read on goal setting. I had never heard of the author before. Douglas Vermeeren. But I am now a big fan and I am seeing his name everywhere on the net. I have been googling him all afternoon and this guy is a genius. He is just like Napoleon Hill in that he has conducted a careful study of the world's top achievers. He presents all kinds of ground-breaking information about how they became a success. It is very different than what I've heard before and it is great information. I have read "Think and grow rich" and the "Laws of success" and I certainly think that this is a much better book. It is destined to be a classic in personal development. Innovative! exciting! Entertaining! Highly Practical! and relevant to today! You must read this book!

  4. Just finished reading it! Loved it. Definitely the best book on goal achievement and success I h
