Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good Procrastination - Constructive Avoidance

We finally got a bit of snow in Long Island.

Today, I want to get my home made Christmas gift done. It is a tradition in our family to draw names and make a gift. So - top priority today. Get it done.

But what have I done? I have done just about everything but that. Not that what I have been doing does not need doing - like shoveling the snow, putting some weather stripping on the front door, catching up on some emails, working out, finishing a book review and now blogging.

What I call that is constructive avoidance. I avoid what I want to do by doing other things.

At least it is constructive.

I am thinking - is this good procrastination?


  1. Jim, I'm not sure I would call it "good procrastination". I would call it creative excuse-making.:)

    My guess would be that it (making the gift) is not a priority (albeit, you don't have too much time till Xmas), or that you prefer cramming (working under pressure).

    Enjoy the snow and have a wonderful Holiday!

  2. Jim- Don't spend too much time analysing this will take away from your productivity (and perhaps creativity) for your "home made gift"...get on it!

    Happy Holidays!!

  3. I ended up buying printable massage gifts for my wife online for Xmas on the Xmas day. She knew what I was doing but didn't complain when she got the gift. How can you be mad at someone who is giving you a gift of a massage?

  4. Hi, Good procrastination is bad procrastination dressed up to the 9s in revealing clothes. Let us take the blame for all procrastinating and you can continue with your work
