Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Strategy vs Tactics

I believe that a lot of my success in life has had to do with my strategy. A good strategy helps success come more easily.

Good strategy is not without its challenge and I really enjoyed the article on The Four Myths of Strategy that one of my friends e-mailed me.

Of course good strategy without good tactics and good implementation simply do not work. Good implementation is just table stakes - needed to be in the game.

The same is true in business as in life. Strategy might be to be healthy and tactics might be Success Habits that support healthy eating and exercise.

In the end you need both good strategy and good tactics to thrive.


  1. Hi Jim
    Just came across your site the other day and I have enjoyed reading your posts, I love the comments on the business book you have read. I have scheduled a post for 14/4/10 on Time management and referenced your site.

    A strategy is no good unless implemented

    Thanks again and I look forward to your post.

    Kind Regards

  2. A business strategy describes how a particular business intends to succeed in its chosen market place against its competitors. It therefore represents the best attempt that the management can make at defining and securing the future of that business. The common view of strategy and its counterpoint tactics is that strategy is about the long-term, while tactics are about the short-term.

    Joe Ann T. Lacasandile
