Sunday, April 27, 2008

Energy and Time Management

My quote of the day:

"There is a difference between doing the things you have a right to do and doing the right things"

Who said it?

Speaking of getting the right things done (I know different kind of right)...

I read an interesting article on time management in Harvard Business Review. (Aren't all time management articles interesting).

I will let your read the original article to get the points:

1 - break your responsibilities into categories.

2 - Ask what percentage of time to spend in each category.

3 - Check alignment of this with colleagues and superiors.

Then it give some tips on execution.

I liked the article and it follows the tried and true - know your priorities and spend your time where the priorities are. What I would add though is a section on energy. In many cases, it is not just the time, it is the creativity and energy that makes the true difference in getting the right things done.


  1. I see your point about self help books and agree that they can help which it has been in my case.

    But I still think that a lot of the self-help books lack in quality and the focus is on external behavior and not on what I like to think about as transformational behavior.

    There is a vast difference between the two, which I’m just beginning to understand.

  2. I think the second point is the most important one...set a time or percent how much time you should spent on the category. This can help you to not lose a sight of the things you are bad.
