Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thought Viruses and NLP

As the economy tightens, I have given much thought on how to thrive in a downturn.

It occurs to me that companies tend to over react in the short term at the expense of long term health and prosperity. Of course this is easy to say if a company is prosperous, they have the luxury of thinking longer term. But in the end, it is those companies (and people) who think long term that win.

Changing topics completely:

I recently read "Thought Viruses - Powerful Ways to Change Your Thought Patterns and Get What You Want in Life" by Donald Lofland. It is an excellent book but takes a long time to read if you actually do the exercises which are probably worth doing; although I didn't spend the time to do them all.

Donald Lofland is a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) practitioner. He also has a PH.D. He talks about how we can change our thought patterns and re-program ourselves to reach the success that we want.

With Spring coming on, I am starting to get hay fever and allergies and there was an interesting chapter on how using NLP, someone can cure allergies. This is definitely something that I am looking to try. If anyone knows a good NLP practitioner, I would be interested in speaking to her or him.

There are a total of 40 exercises in the book on everything from discovering your mission, setting life goals, setting priorities in life, looking at your personal uniqueness and your values, etc., through to looking at specific thought patterns.

This book is worth reading. And read it with an open mind because some of the concepts are a bit "out there" or unbelievable.


  1. Hey Jim!
    Two of my clients are certified NLP trainers (or coaches) and Sherri I know has experience with changing thought patterns related to allergies , pets etc. I'll shoot you her contact info over facebook

    Be Great

  2. FWIW, Anthony Robbins started his career as a practitioner of NLP. Turned him from a 17 year old overweight kid with no future to where he is today. Once you start reading about and practicing NLP, you become very aware of how most people speak, generally in very negative ways.

  3. Hi Jim, I don't know any NLP practitioners but it sure sounds like "Cognitive Therapy" developed by Dennis Greenberg, PhD and Christine A Padesky, PhD. The text book is "Mind over Mood" "Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think" published by Guilford Press. It, of course, is from a medical perspective but you may have more luck finding a practitioner of Cognitive Therapy than NLP.

    All the best! Ralph

  4. Read the book itself is a tough task for me. now implementing the ideas in it is like a mammoth task.

  5. Hi Jim,

    I hope you got that allergy taken care of. It's very true that you can rid yourself of allergies with the proper use of NLP.

    Robert Diltz, developer of NLP has done countless studies on this and using his simple yet highly effective "Allergy Relief Process", I've had the pleasure of helping dozens of personal clients overcome their allergies (even asthma) and teaching students how to do the same.

    **Warning... If a client (or yourself) is under the supervision of a medical doctor, ALWAYS get a referral first from their M.D.Some allergies can be life threatening and this process would be completely inappropriate.

    Let us know how your success has been Jim!
