Saturday, June 19, 2010

Achieve Anything In Just one Year

I received Jason Harvey's Achieve Anything In Just One Year: Be Inspired Daily To Live Your Dreams and Accomplish Your Goals.

As the title implies, this book is meant to be read over 365 days but of course, being an impatient reader, I read it in an evening. The title reminds me of a quote "we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in a day but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year".

Each day starts with a quotation which of course I love. For those connected to me through linkedin or following my Twitter stream, you get my daily quote. This book gave me many more that I will use.

For example, Day 12:

"Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time...The wait is simply too long"-Leonard Bernstein.

Each quote is followed by a discussion of what the quotation might mean and what to do. So the page following the Bernstein quote talked of ways to "inspire" yourself and how to set up systems and process to stay or get inspired.

Each day is about a page so it only takes a minute or two to read.

Some of the days I liked were:

Day 23: "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be"-Abraham Lincoln. The gist of this is that we choose whether we want to be happy. Make the choice to be happy.

Day 38: "Speak little, do much"-Benjamin Franklin. The quote says it all. I could write several paragraphs on this one, but...

Day 46: "A person's faults are largely what make him or her likable" -Anne Lamott I always wondered why I was so likable.

Day 91:"In life as in football, fall forward when you fall"-Arthur Guiterman. This ties into my Fail often, fail fast, fail cheap.

Day 221 "I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody"-Lily Tomlin. So now I better move on and start doing something.

It is a good book. A gem each day for a year.

1 comment:

  1. Jim,

    It looks like a great book. I just ordered it!

    At 376 pages, I'd like to see it available on Kindle though. It would be great to read the quick passage on there or my iPhone.

    First time poster, long time reader of your blog. I enjoy your posts. Thanks!
