Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World Innovation Forum - Day 1 #WIF10

I am all set up to blog at World Innovation Forum.

I read a book today -Service Innovation - How to go from Customer Needs to Breakthrough Services. It is a fitting book to read at an innovation forum since it is about innovation of services. We often think of product innovations without thinking that more often, customers value services.

"Rather than ask - How are we doing, ask How is the Customer doing"

The obvious but often overlooked question. Look at it from the view of the customer. Create value in the way the customer defines value. Look at why your customers hired you (and if they bought your services - they did hire you)

There is a chapter on discovering opportunities for service innovation and one on service delivery innovation. They suggest:

Define - what ensures success
Locate - what must be located
Prepare - what is needed to be prepared
Confirm - does the customer confirm willingness to accept (or love) your service
Execute - What does the customer do to execute
Modify - I always like refining systems to perfect them (and they are never perfect)
Conclude - What does the customer do to successfully conclude?
Resolve - What needs to be resolved to succeed?
Uncover outcomes - Now the company is ready to go

There is a chapter on differentiation that I particularly appreciated. I believe in being different. To some extent, different is better. If a company is different, there are always reasons why they can win and why they can tell customers to buy.

I find success breeds copying so it is necessary to always innovate to stay ahead.

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